1 | 克拉德表示,隐私官的日常工作中,有相当一部分是在公司内部树立注重信息保护的法律意识。 | Much of the day-to-day job of a privacy officer involves helping to raise awareness within an organisation of laws on data, says Ms Krader. | |
2 | 你会想知道我是如何从日常工作中解放出来并且开始全职博客时间的。 | You wanted to know how I liberated myself from my day job and began blogging full time. | |
3 | 你能不能每天仅花两个小时就能挣得和你的日常工作差不多或者能挣更多? | What if you could work just a couple of hours a day and make the same or better than you do at your day job now? | |
4 | 你在工作日能遇到多少恐惧? | How many fears do you face on a daily basis at your day job ? | |
5 | 培养一种爱好,最好是跟你每天工作无关的爱好。 | Find a hobby. Cultivate a hobby; preferably something that doesn’t relate to your day job . | |
6 | 然而,律师只不过是莫蒂默的糊口职业,为得是为他的小说创作提供资金和写作材料。 | Yet the law was only his day job , giving him the money and the material to write novels. | |
7 | 然而,在他的日常工作中,他仍忙于一些严肃的学术问题。 | In his day-job, however, he still engages in some serious boffinry. | |
8 | 如果你既要每天工作又想纵情于各种各样的社交媒体,你就需要有员工来帮你。 | If you want to be in multiple social media and also have a day job , you’re going to need a staff. | |
9 | 如果你每周工作五天还想在周末加个班,你最终会累得支离破碎的。 | If you’re working five days a week at your day job and trying to cram in more at the weekend, you’re eventually going to crash and burn. | |
10 | 如果在从事一份日常工作的同时还要经营自己的生意,你就没有很多时间留给其他不必要的活动了。 | If you are going to do your day job and your part-time business, that doesn’t leave much time for non-essential activities. | |
11 | 如果资深投资银行家张红力(LeeZhang)厌倦了日常工作,他可以考虑重新接受培训,成为一名广告销售员。 | If senior investment banker Lee Zhang ever tires of the day job , he could consider re- training as an advertising salesman. | |
12 | 若没有一个专门的网络团队,负责网站营运的责任往往变成“日常工作”之外的事情。 | Instead of there being a dedicated Web team, those responsible for the website are often expected to run it alongside their "day job . " | |
13 | 三年之后,他辞去了在Intuit公司综合管理项目的正职工作,全身心投入到网站建设中。 | It was three years before he quit his day job in a general management program at Intuit to work on the site full time. | |
14 | 四年后,他将企业转让给另一个人——这个人希望放弃一份收入颇丰的工作,换取经营自己企业的成就感。 | Four years later he handed over to someone who wanted to trade in a lucrative day job for the buzz of running his own business. | |
15 | 所以玛利亚除了白天在医院工作,晚上还要花8小时钻研日本语。 | So Ms. Fransiska spends eight hours in Japanese language drills, on top of her day job at the hospital. | |
16 | 所以向他们说的那样,“不要离开你现在的工作”。 | So as they say, "don’t quit your day job . " | |
17 | 所以要在事先了解清楚,是不是某个创始人会保留他的工作直到公司步入正轨? | Will one of the co-founders be keeping her day job until the company gets off the ground? | |
18 | 他的日常工作和这份副业有相似之处,他提到,“因为戏剧是一门实验科学。” | There are parallels between Saltzberg’s day job and his side job, he says, adding that "comedy is an experimental science. " | |
19 | 我保证如果你随着我的教程按部就班,你肯定可以挣到足以放弃现在工作的钱。 | I can promise you that if you take action on what I’ll be teaching you, you WILL be able to make enough money to quit your day job . | |
20 | 我的一些长期目标会花很长时间去完成(如做完我的工作)。 | I have some long term goals that will probably take a while to accomplish (like killing my day job ). | |
21 | 我没有工作那我现在打算做什么呢? | What do I plan to do now that I don’t have a day job ? | |
22 | 我一直以来都在指导一些上班一族的写作爱好者,他们面临的一个共同问题就是找不到合适的写作时间。 | I’ve been coaching some writers, and one common problem which comes up for those with a day job is finding a good time to write. | |
23 | 我知道还有更多的理由让你放下工作去旅行,所以赶快把你的理由写在下面的评论区吧! | I know there are many more good reasons to quit your day job and travel the world so leave them in the comments below . . . | |
24 | 我做得最对的事情之一,就是辞去了我的日常工作,成为一名自由职业者。 | One of the best things I ever did was quit my day job and become self-employed. | |
25 | 我做全职工作的时候,一边写小说,再后来写博客,还一边工作一边接私活。 | I wrote fiction, then a blog, alongside a day job , and I started out freelancing while still working full-time. | |
26 | 无论是辞掉平日的工作,还是签署新的租约,创业的方方面面都不是为意志薄弱的人准备的。 | Whether it’s quitting your day job or signing a lease on a new space, nothing about starting a business is for the faint of heart. | |
27 | 现在,他和我都觉得我不应该放弃我的日常工作。 | Now he knows and I know that I shouldn’t give up my day job . | |
28 | 现在我要告诉你的是“为什么”:我将告诉你21个理由让你放下工作去环游世界: | Here now, I present to you the "why" : 21 reasons you should quit your day job and travel the world . . . | |
29 | 协助代市长处理城市规划委员会日常工作;负责分管系统安全生产工作。 | to assist the Mayor to deal with day-to-day job of city planning committee, in charge of work safety in production systems. | |
30 | 休的日常工作是加拿大某最大通信公司的高级经理。 | Sue has a day job as a senior manager at one of Canada’s biggest communications companies. |